
Friday, August 1, 2014

Kedonganan Beach

Kedonganan Beach is located at south coast of Bali Island, located in Tuban Village, Kuta District, Badung Regency. It is around 25 minute from Denpasar City and 10 minute from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Kedonganan Beach has beautiful scenery with white sand and calm wave so it is suitable for sun bathing and relaxes. In the afternoon, Kedonganan Beach is an amazing panoramic when sun goes down (sunset). From the beaches also be seen a row of a traditional fishing boat that was sailing catching fish that are not found on Kuta and Legian Beach.

Surrounding Kedonganan Beach can be found many restaurant and cafe typical of sea food. Restaurant and cafe is usually many visited from afternoon until the eveing. Many tourists who come to this beach to eat in the evening while watching the beautiful sunset. In the northern part of Kedongan Beach a row of jakung (traditional boat) that can be rent by the tourist for traveling around Kedonganan Beach who shaped like crescent moon while enjoying beautiful view.

Kedonganan Beach can be found famous fish market. That sea products caught by fishermen using traditional boat and when the fish sale in the market is still fresh so the tourist who come to directly select, buy the fish and directly bargain with the merchant.  Local people around Kedonganan Beach livelihood as fishermen, it can be seen from the many traditional boat surround the Kedonganan Beach. Kedonganan Beach has accommodation facilities. With an amaizing panoramic when the sunset and delicious seafood, Kedongan Beach always will be remembered and never be forgotten by who was come.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Goa Lawah Beach

Bali Island is world tourism destination and has many beatiful beaches; one of this is Goa Lawah Beach. Goa Lawah Beach is located in Pesinggahan Village, Dawan District and Klungkung Regency. It is around 60 minute from Denpasar and 90 minute from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Goa Lawah Beach is beautiful beach featured with black sand beach and calm waves. Goa Lawah Beach is stretching by shoreline and has natural atmosphere, it is make this bitch deserves to be one of the favorite tourist destination. Other than as a tourism object, Goa Lawah Beach is also favorite place by local fishermen to catch fish. At this beach are also Japanese investors start investing in the field cultivation of pearl oysters jewels which employ people around the beach so that impact on increasing their income

Goa Lawah Beach visited by many local and foreign tourists on holidays. Location of the Goa Lawah Beach is opposite with artistic temple, that is Goa Lawah Temple, it is make this beach is often used as religious ceremony procession such as Melasti and Melarung Earth. Many activities can be done here such as swimming, fishing and relaxing with your friend or family. Name of Goa Lawah used by this beach because was to make everyone who come to the beach is easy to remember and also location of this beach is not far from Goa Lawah Temple. Most of local people around Goa Lawah Temple are fishermen, but many also work as laborers and pearl merchant.
As tourism destination Goa Lawah Beach has public facilities such as warung (food and drink stall), toilet and large parking area. Enchantment of Goa Lawah Beach will be always be owned by Bali Island because Bali Island is flanked by ocean and seas, it is grace for the people in Bali Island and Indonesia. So, if you visit Bali you must visit Goa Lawah Beach as your destination.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Art Center Bali

 Art Center or Cultural Park is a building which was established with the purpose for art performances and especially development of Balinese Art. Art Center is located in Nusa Indah Street, Sumerta Village, Denpasar Regency. It's around 45 minute from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Art Center is a large building complex with best balinese traditional architectural layout of the building, both the amphitheater and show hall as well as an extra building is based on Gunung Mandara Giri stories in the ocean of milk where splashing "amerta" holy water for eternal life which according with the nature of culture which is dynamic and kept alive all the time.

Art Center or Bali Cultural Park was founded by Ida Bagus Mantra the first governor of Bali. He as the balinese is very care about the cultural values, especially Bali East Culture. By building an arts district location it can stimulating balinese artists to keep, preserving and support the cultural development. For the plan of all, he willingly sacrifice of his land to serve as a center of arts which we know as Art Center. Art Center was opened in 1973 and make Bali Art Festival (PKB) which was held a full month usually start from June until July every year. At opening ceremony of Bali Art Festival (PKB) was enlivened by arts parade. The parade was followed by all regency in Bali and also followed by other province in Indonesia and sometimes there is also participant from foreign contury such as Japan and Korea. 

The structure of building complexs in Bali Art Center consists of :
  1. 1. Sacred Building such as Taman Beji, Bale Selonding, Bale Peparosan.
  2. 2. Quit Building such as : Widya Kusuma Library, where this place is keep many book history of Bali.
  3. 3. Half bustling building such as Mahudara Exhibition Building, Carft Building, Sculpture Studio,Wisma Art and Wantilan
  4. 4. The bustling building such as Ardha Chandra Stage and Ksirarnawa close Stage.
In the amphitheater can be accommodate the audiance up to 6,000 people,be it for show modern and traditional colossal. If you visit Bali, Art Center is one of your destination.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Candi Dasa East Bali Tourism Destination

Candi Dasa is beach tourism destination in Bali. Candi Dasa is located Candi Dasa Village, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency. Around 50 minute from Denpasar and 90 minute from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Candi Dasa beach is very different with other beach in Bali because the beach is protected by concrete known as crib. But Candi Dasa has very beauty scenery where every visitor can enjoy the sunset and sunrise. Sunset in Candi Dasa is not less attractive than Kuta Beach. Sunset in Candi Dasa is more attractive because the sun will be looks rounded at goes down between hill and around Candi Dasa Sea. When the sunset had completely, still emits a reddish color in the sky. In the morning sunrise will not be seen directly in Candi Dasa because closed some hillside on eastside of Candi Dasa Area. To be able to enjoy the beautiful sunrise should be walked toward to Tanjung Iri, which is part of Candi Dasa Area is located in the east.

Candi Dasa tourism areas there are many tourist accommodation facilities which relative cheap and are located almost entirely near the beach. Candi Dasa tourism area has strategic located and close to some other tourism object such as Tirta Gangga, Taman Ujung, Tulamben, Amed, Tenganan and also can cross to Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida. Besides having a natural scenery, Candi Dasa has some typical small land offshore which is about 200 meters from the beach. These lands are named Gili Biaha and Gili Mampang, another one is around 100 meters and shaped like a cliff to meet directly with the sea. The largest land is Gili Biaha which is around 3 acres and be suitable place for snorkeling because has beauty underwater scenery. Other view can be enjoy is Lotus Lagoon, Lotus Lagoon is an artificial lake is located in the middle of Candi Dasa area and adjacent to the beach. Lotus Lagoon covers about 50 x 50 square meters in the middle there is a small land overgrown with some ketapang and bingin (banyan) trees also 4 little statues that surround it. Another thing make Candi Dasa Area is famous to foreign countries as a place to learn yoga. There is an ashram, a place for Hindus and also open to public, which is named Candi Dasa Ashram. Candi Dasa is one of tourism destination in Bali, so i recommend you to visit Candi Dasa.

Mas Village

Mas Village is one of the cultural tourism village that has been know from ancient periods until now. Mas Village famous because was produced craft carving, sculptures, and anymore about the Balinese culture. Mas Village has strategic location because it is on tourism line in Bali, so that make Mas Village became one of the interesting tourism destination located in western part of Gianyar Regency. Along the road in Mas Village can see and found many art shops which function as a marketing production place of handicrafts such as carving, statues and also accommodate workers as a carver, sculptors and woodcarvers.

Mas Village visited by local and foreign tourist. Generally tourist who visits just for looking the craftsmen who were making his artwork and some of the tourist was brought handicrafts from craftsmen in Mas Village. Every day tourist is visited Mas Village because is located on the main route between Denpasar, Ubud, Kintamani, and Tampaksiring. Around 30 minute from Denpasar, 15 minute from Gianyar and 5 minute from Ubud Area.

Visitor in Mas Village can learn about Balinese culture and knowing history about Mas Village. Mas Village has unique and interesting history. Mas Village establishment by becoming Brahmana from Majapahit Kingdom, his come to Bali to expanding Hindu Religion an increasingly pressured in Java. Brahmana teach about Hindus to someone who has named Mas Wilis. Mas Wilis was taught about religion, art, culture and social. Because about that, names of the village is Mas Village. If you visit to Bali, you must make Mas Village has one tourism destination to visit.