
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Goa Lawah Beach

Bali Island is world tourism destination and has many beatiful beaches; one of this is Goa Lawah Beach. Goa Lawah Beach is located in Pesinggahan Village, Dawan District and Klungkung Regency. It is around 60 minute from Denpasar and 90 minute from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Goa Lawah Beach is beautiful beach featured with black sand beach and calm waves. Goa Lawah Beach is stretching by shoreline and has natural atmosphere, it is make this bitch deserves to be one of the favorite tourist destination. Other than as a tourism object, Goa Lawah Beach is also favorite place by local fishermen to catch fish. At this beach are also Japanese investors start investing in the field cultivation of pearl oysters jewels which employ people around the beach so that impact on increasing their income

Goa Lawah Beach visited by many local and foreign tourists on holidays. Location of the Goa Lawah Beach is opposite with artistic temple, that is Goa Lawah Temple, it is make this beach is often used as religious ceremony procession such as Melasti and Melarung Earth. Many activities can be done here such as swimming, fishing and relaxing with your friend or family. Name of Goa Lawah used by this beach because was to make everyone who come to the beach is easy to remember and also location of this beach is not far from Goa Lawah Temple. Most of local people around Goa Lawah Temple are fishermen, but many also work as laborers and pearl merchant.
As tourism destination Goa Lawah Beach has public facilities such as warung (food and drink stall), toilet and large parking area. Enchantment of Goa Lawah Beach will be always be owned by Bali Island because Bali Island is flanked by ocean and seas, it is grace for the people in Bali Island and Indonesia. So, if you visit Bali you must visit Goa Lawah Beach as your destination.

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