
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Bedugul Bali Famous Places of Interest

Bedugul Area is located Tabanan Regency. Around 60 minute from Denpasar and 90 minute from Ngurah Rai International Airport with passed uphill ways. When entering Bedugu / Pacung Village, Baturiti District can be feel cool weather also foggy and often rain because Bedugul is located at height of 1250 - 1400 meters above the sea. Along the way between Pacung Village to Bedugul Area there are many hotel and restaurant. Bedugul Area have famous tourism object, there are:

First, Eka Raya Botanical Gareden is one of the botanical garden in Indonesia was namely Bedugul Botanical Garden. Bedugul Botanical Garden is located Candidasa Village and has a plants collection  that achieve roughly 16,000 plants consisting of 1,500 species, 320 genus and 155 ethnic of plants. There are also plant and some bird habitat and had a spacious around 154.5 hectares. Type of plants that exist in this Botanical Garden such as Pandak Casaurina (darcycarpusimbricatus), Betel Leaf, Melati, Dadap Wood, Tumeric and many type of Paku Trees such as Paku Rene, Paku Sarang Burung and many more. Bedugul Botanical Garden also has type of orchid like a Kalajengking Orchid (Arachnis Flo-Areis), Tanah Orchid (Spathologlottiss Plicata) and type of Epindrum Radicans Orchid from North and South America, also have Black Orchid (Ceologyne Pandurata) collection was famous and see the flower between July - August Month. There are also traditional plants used by Balinese people for daily food, fiber cloth, pharmaceuticals, and material for ceremony. Bird Habitat in Bedugul Botanical Garden such as Isap Madu from Australia, Sriganti Bird, Walet Sapi Bird, Tekukur Bird, Kucica Batu Bird, Bondol Jawa Bird, Kepondang Bird and many more.

Second tourism object is Candi Kuning Market. Candi Kuning is located left side road to Singaraja Regency
and contigous with Bedugul Botanical Garden entrance. Candi Kuning Market is traditional which offering vegetable, fruits, ornamental plants and souvenir. Strawberry is famous fruits in Bedugul Area and will be find in Candi Kuning Market. That are option tourism object in Bedugul Area, so don't missed if visit Bali Island.

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