
Friday, July 4, 2014

Sibetan Agro Tourism Village

Bali is not only famous with nature, culture and tradition but Bali also famous with Argo Tourism  can be found in Sibetan Village. Sibetan Village is located Bebandam District, Karangasem Regency. Around 60 minute from Denpasar and 90 minute from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Sibetan Village was producing Salak fruit, Salak fruit produced from Sibetan Village is very famous with names Salak Bali because have own flavor and different with Salak in other areas in Indonesia. There are more or less 15 varieties.

Salak fruit has oval shape, scaly skin with brownish yellow color. Thick fruit flesh, sweet and crisp, small seeds and are usually amount 1 - 2 on each the fruit, as for the kinds of favorite Salak such as Salak Nanas and Salak Gula Pasir. When harvesting Salak on December - Februaty usually local people make Salak into refined products and making variety types such as Salak Wine, Salak Syrup, Salak Lunkhead (Dodol), Salak Chips, Salak Candied. Visitor who comes to Sibetan Village can be directly see and harvesting process of Salak and also to know how Salak was marketed.

Sibetan Agro Tourism Village has an area around 1,125,00 hectare, situated at an altitude 400 - 600 meters above the sea, with an average of temperature 20 - 30 degree Celsius. Rainfall 1,567 mm to 2,000 mm / year. Climate and weather makes Salak good for grown in this area. If you would like to visir Sibetan Agro Tourism Village was existed warung (food and drink stalls) and home stay around Sibetan Village. When you visit in Bali, Sibetan Agro Tourism Village could be one of your destinations.

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