
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Batukaru Temple

Batukaru Temple is an important temple in Bali, because Batukaru Temple is part of Sad Khayangan. Sad Khyanagan is six important temple in Bali, there are Uluwatu Temple, Pusering Jagat Temple, Besakih Temple, Goa Lawah Temple, and Lempuyang Temple. Batukaru aslo part of Catur Loka Pala.  Catur Loka Pala is temple was located on four corners of wind in Bali, that is Punca Mangu in north, Lempuyang Temple in east, Andakasa Temple in south and Batukaru in west. Batukaru Temple is located Wangaya Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. Around 1 hours from Denpasar and 35 minute from Tanah Lot. Batukaru was located 700 meters above sea, Batukaru Temple was built 11 century by Mpu Kuturan (Mpu Rajakerta according Lontar Usana Bali) during reign of twin kings, Sri Musala and Sri Musali in Bali. Batukaru Temple was expended and repaired by Arya Kenceng and their descendants ruled of Badung and Tabanan Kingdom.

Batukaru Hinduism ceremony is one day after Galungan Day, which on Thursday Wuku Dungulan every 210 days according Pawukon Calender. Batukaru Hinduism ceremony is unique because it's never was led by Pendeta (Priest) but only by Pemangku is called Jero Kubayan. Inside of Batukaru Temple can be found ancient relics like a ancient statues and heirlooms such as a keris and spear. Before entering Batukaru Temple on right side can be found a Lake. Near from Lake will be found fountain, water coming out from this fountain was believed is holy water, used for purify body and soul before praying in Batukaru Temple.

 Batukaru Temple is one tourism destination was visited by local and foreign tourist. Because a beauty forest was surrounds Batukaru area and Batukaru Temple. Many tourist visit to listen sound of nature, watching bird swim in lake, inhale fresh air and feel calmness. General facilities is already, like public toilets, large parking area and warungs for food and drinks. Bali Island famous as Island Of Thousand Temple, Batukaru Temple is one parts of this because Batukaru Temple is unique and have natural atmosphere. If visit in Bali, must be come to Batukaru Temple.

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