
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Monkey Forest

Monkey Forest is a nature reserve, this forest is home from 340 monkeys. Type of monkey live in there is  a long - tailed macaques ( Macaca Fascicularis). Monkey in Indonesia is means "Monyet" and in Balinese is means "Wenara". There are four monkey kings each occupying different territories in Monkey Forest. Monkey Forest is located Padangtegal Village, Ubud Regency. Around 40 minute from Denpasar and 1 hours from Ngurah Rai International Airport.

Around in forest can be fell quite atmosphere. Monkey Forest consist of 27 acres of land and 115 species of trees. Mongkey Forest area exist Dalem Agung Padangtegal Temple with Madia Mandala, which there is a sacred pool and place for cremation ceremony.
When entering Monkey Forest, visitor are still on way and don't go for a reason because it might provoke monkeys feels you're trying invade their homes. Treated monkeys with courtesy, don't feed them except guide accompanied you. Also remember monkey is curious animals, so keep you possession. If they are borrow your possession ask to guard for get your possession back.

 Parking area in Monkey Forest is not large but many art shop offering a variety of jewelry, baskets, wood carving, textile weaving, painting and jewelry from silver. Monkey Forest aslo have many restaurant, from western food to Balinese food.

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