
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Taman Ayun Royal Temple Of Mengwi

Taman Ayun Temple is tourism object is located Mengwi Village, Badung Regency. Taman Ayun is surrounded by lake, 25 minutes from Denpasar. Taman Ayun was built in 1634 by I Gusti Agung Anom  Kingdom Of Mengwi. Taman Ayun Temple is Mother Temple (Paibon). Every six month to be exact "Ngara Kliwon Medangsia" is Hindus ceremony, Almost all Mengwi people celebrating for a few days adore Gods with all manifestation. Taman Ayun Temple consist of 4 part, first part is called Jaba could be achieved only by bridge, that was on side of pool and gate. Once inside there is a small monument to guard entrance and on right is spacious building ( Wantilan) where cockfighting is often held when after ceremony.

This part, there is also a fountain monument that leads to 9 direction of wind. While heading to next part, right of road there is a small complex temple, name of temple is " Luhuring Prurnama Temple". Part two of Taman Ayun Temple has higer position than Jaba area, visitor must passed second gate. Once inside, views will be on a Aling - Aling building " Bale Pengubengan" is decorated with depicting reliefs " Dewata Nawa Sanga" ( 9  guard Gods direction of wind). East of Taman Ayun Temple existing Dalem Bekak Temple, while in west corner exist Balai Kulkul ( Kulkul Hall). Last part of Taman Ayun Temple is highest and sacred than before part. Gelung door will be opened when ceremony, place for holy statues and ceremony equipment. Left and right Gate to entrance access to temple. Taman Ayun Temple is three cosmology symbol of world, there are bottom place/ human world, second place adobe of Gods and last is place of God Almighty.

That is short story from Taman Ayun Temple, general tourism facilities is very adequate as a large parking area, public toilet, warung (food and drink), art shop around in parking area. Taman Ayun  open at 08.00 AM - 06.00 and entrance feet Rp. 15.000, tourist can be see beauty of Taman Ayun Royal Temple Of Mengwi. Enjoy adventure in Taman Ayun Temple.

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