
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sangeh Monkey Forest

Sangeh Monkey Forest is tourism destination in Bali. Sangeh Monkey Forest is located Sangeh Village, Abiansemal District, Badung Regency. Around 45 minute from Denpasar and 1 hour from Ngurah Rai Airport. Sangeh Monkey Forest inhabited by 700 grey monkey (Macaca Faciculais), other than as Monkey Forest Sangeh also is a protected forest area and mostly overgrown with Pala Trees (Dipeterrocarpustrinervis).

In the morning Monkey in Sangeh Forest will be out from nest to find food. That is remarkable view, because hundreds of monkeys would be swinging in branches of nutmeg trees, that monkey looks very happy to get their food. Visitor could be bring monkey in Sangeh Forest food but visitor must bought peanute/corn in warung. Before entering Sangeh Forest, left side of Candi Bentar(Gate) visitor can be see sacred trees and local people called Lanang Wadon Trees. That Trees was called Lanang Wadon because look like male and famale genitals. When entering Sangeh Forest area, visitor can be feel relax because Sangeh forest is very calm and visitor will be find Melanting Temple. Sangeh Forest is very calm and well maintained forest. Beside Melanting Temple visitor will be seen Puncak Sari Temple. Puncak Sari Temple was filled by monkeys. Puncak Sari Temple corners have monkey statue as part of amazing architecture of Puncak Sari Temple.
The ends of Sangeh Monkey Forest visitor can be seen biggest statue from Kumbakarna. Kumbakarna is warrior from Alengka Kingdom was assaulted by dozens of monkeys. Kumbakarna Statue is depict from Ramayana Story. Ramayana Story is famous story in Bali.  That is beauty of Sangeh Monkey Forest, if you want to visit you must pay ticket fee Rp. 5.000/person. Sangeh Monkey Forest have art shop for buy local souvenir such as t-shirt with monkey face drawing, warung (food and drink). Sangeh Monkey Forest also have public facilities like toilet and large parking area. So, enjoy your trip and adventure in Sangeh Monkey Forest.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Batukaru Temple

Batukaru Temple is an important temple in Bali, because Batukaru Temple is part of Sad Khayangan. Sad Khyanagan is six important temple in Bali, there are Uluwatu Temple, Pusering Jagat Temple, Besakih Temple, Goa Lawah Temple, and Lempuyang Temple. Batukaru aslo part of Catur Loka Pala.  Catur Loka Pala is temple was located on four corners of wind in Bali, that is Punca Mangu in north, Lempuyang Temple in east, Andakasa Temple in south and Batukaru in west. Batukaru Temple is located Wangaya Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. Around 1 hours from Denpasar and 35 minute from Tanah Lot. Batukaru was located 700 meters above sea, Batukaru Temple was built 11 century by Mpu Kuturan (Mpu Rajakerta according Lontar Usana Bali) during reign of twin kings, Sri Musala and Sri Musali in Bali. Batukaru Temple was expended and repaired by Arya Kenceng and their descendants ruled of Badung and Tabanan Kingdom.

Batukaru Hinduism ceremony is one day after Galungan Day, which on Thursday Wuku Dungulan every 210 days according Pawukon Calender. Batukaru Hinduism ceremony is unique because it's never was led by Pendeta (Priest) but only by Pemangku is called Jero Kubayan. Inside of Batukaru Temple can be found ancient relics like a ancient statues and heirlooms such as a keris and spear. Before entering Batukaru Temple on right side can be found a Lake. Near from Lake will be found fountain, water coming out from this fountain was believed is holy water, used for purify body and soul before praying in Batukaru Temple.

 Batukaru Temple is one tourism destination was visited by local and foreign tourist. Because a beauty forest was surrounds Batukaru area and Batukaru Temple. Many tourist visit to listen sound of nature, watching bird swim in lake, inhale fresh air and feel calmness. General facilities is already, like public toilets, large parking area and warungs for food and drinks. Bali Island famous as Island Of Thousand Temple, Batukaru Temple is one parts of this because Batukaru Temple is unique and have natural atmosphere. If visit in Bali, must be come to Batukaru Temple.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Pandawa Beach

Pandawa Beach is tourism destination in South Bali. Pandawa Beach is located Kutuh Village, South Kuta District, Badung Regency. Previously was  know as Secret Beach because it's location behind of high cliffs overgrown by scrub. Pandawa Beach only 3 km from Nusa Dua Area and 35 minute from Denpasar. Looking from Pandawa Beach potential, Badung Goverment Regency  has opened access to Pandawa Beach. Access condition is very unique and magnificent because flanked by cliffs. Pandawa Beach named was get from Panca Pandawa puppet character. Therefore, when visiting Pandawa Beach, will be greeted by Panca Pandawa Statue, they are Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Shadeva. All Panca Pandawa are carved and stored in limestone cliffs. Visitor will be see Panca Pandawa Statue concurrently and squentially from bottom to west side of Pandawa Beach.

Another charm of Pandawa Beach is seaweed farmers activity long a beach. Visitor can obtain knowledge about cultivation of seaweed from local people. Also can see activity of paragliding and motocross from top of the hill. That is because Pandawa Beach located one a row with Payung Mountain. From Pandawa Beach can be enjoy scenic beauty of Payung Mountain Waterfall.  Pandawa Beach is famous for soft white sand. Sea water is calm, making this place is not ogled by surfers. Pandawa Beach is more suitable for sunbathing and want to relax while enjoying beautiful view of the sea. 

Pandawa Beach was available large parking area, warung (food/drink), restaurant, so don't worry if visit Pandawa Beach. Pandawa Beach exist traditional massage, visitor will be enjoyed  massage with see beauty view of Pandawa Beach. Domestic and Foreign visitor will be charged entrance fee Rp. 10.000. So, feel calm sensation and  nature in Pandawa Beach.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Serangan Island

Sakenan Temple is an important temple in southern of Bali,perched on north - western shore of Serangan Island, a small island is located 10km from south Denpasar. Sakenan Temple was built in 10 century by Mpu Kuturan who arrived in Bali before fall of Majapahit Kingdom, on mission to restructure socio-religious aspect of Balinese people. Sakenan Temple have swamandala concept ( consisting of pelinggih and building) which divided into 2 pelebahan, there are " Dalem Sakenan Temple" and "Pesamuan/Penataran Agung Temple". Sakenan Temple consist of 3 part (Trimandala), there are Utama Mandala, Madya Mandala and Nista Mandala. On Utama Mandala has Pelinggih, Bale Tajuk, Bale Pesandekan and Apit Lawang. Front of this, exist Candi Kurung ( connecting Utama Mandala with Madya Mandala) is flanked by 2 Ganesha statues. In there have Pelinggih as worship for Jro Dukuh Sakti, Meru Tumpang Tiga as stana of Betara Batur, Intaran, Ida Betara Muter. Gedong Jati as stana of Ida Ratu Ayu and Gedong (Tajuk) as stana of Betara Buitan and Betara Matur. There is Bale Gede/Paruman which serves as a congregation of Mangku (priest), holy place for pratima of Ida Betara(God) and Sulinggih place for pujawali ceremony. Madya Mandala sorrounding by Penyengker with Candi Bentar on west side, north and east petetesan. Nista Mandala just around large and towering trees that are past silent witnesses of Sakenan Temple. 

Sakenan Temple include as Samudra Kertih worshiping place of Sang Hyang Sandhijaya (Tatmajuja) or Ida Hyang Dewa Biswarna(Baruna) which stands at southern of Serangan Village. Ida Hyang Dewa Baruna is guardians of Segara Pakertih for salvation world and purify all kinds of human, bhuta and kala. Most of local people in Serangan Village is seaweed and fisherman. Serangan is one tourism in Bali because exist green turtle breeding, second name of Serangan Island is Turtle Island. There are also mangrove forest. Mangrove forest will be keep because preserve balance of nature.

Serangan Beach is best surf point in Bali, have beauty beach, panoramic view, white sand beach, fat and powerful wave, shore break. That is good place for surfing on rain season, best month for surfing is January, February, September, October, November and December. General facilities is already in there, like hotel, restaurant, warung, souvenir shop, parking area, ATM machine, toilet, shower, and boat transformation. That is a beauty and nature of Serangan Island.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Taman Ayun Royal Temple Of Mengwi

Taman Ayun Temple is tourism object is located Mengwi Village, Badung Regency. Taman Ayun is surrounded by lake, 25 minutes from Denpasar. Taman Ayun was built in 1634 by I Gusti Agung Anom  Kingdom Of Mengwi. Taman Ayun Temple is Mother Temple (Paibon). Every six month to be exact "Ngara Kliwon Medangsia" is Hindus ceremony, Almost all Mengwi people celebrating for a few days adore Gods with all manifestation. Taman Ayun Temple consist of 4 part, first part is called Jaba could be achieved only by bridge, that was on side of pool and gate. Once inside there is a small monument to guard entrance and on right is spacious building ( Wantilan) where cockfighting is often held when after ceremony.

This part, there is also a fountain monument that leads to 9 direction of wind. While heading to next part, right of road there is a small complex temple, name of temple is " Luhuring Prurnama Temple". Part two of Taman Ayun Temple has higer position than Jaba area, visitor must passed second gate. Once inside, views will be on a Aling - Aling building " Bale Pengubengan" is decorated with depicting reliefs " Dewata Nawa Sanga" ( 9  guard Gods direction of wind). East of Taman Ayun Temple existing Dalem Bekak Temple, while in west corner exist Balai Kulkul ( Kulkul Hall). Last part of Taman Ayun Temple is highest and sacred than before part. Gelung door will be opened when ceremony, place for holy statues and ceremony equipment. Left and right Gate to entrance access to temple. Taman Ayun Temple is three cosmology symbol of world, there are bottom place/ human world, second place adobe of Gods and last is place of God Almighty.

That is short story from Taman Ayun Temple, general tourism facilities is very adequate as a large parking area, public toilet, warung (food and drink), art shop around in parking area. Taman Ayun  open at 08.00 AM - 06.00 and entrance feet Rp. 15.000, tourist can be see beauty of Taman Ayun Royal Temple Of Mengwi. Enjoy adventure in Taman Ayun Temple.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Monkey Forest

Monkey Forest is a nature reserve, this forest is home from 340 monkeys. Type of monkey live in there is  a long - tailed macaques ( Macaca Fascicularis). Monkey in Indonesia is means "Monyet" and in Balinese is means "Wenara". There are four monkey kings each occupying different territories in Monkey Forest. Monkey Forest is located Padangtegal Village, Ubud Regency. Around 40 minute from Denpasar and 1 hours from Ngurah Rai International Airport.

Around in forest can be fell quite atmosphere. Monkey Forest consist of 27 acres of land and 115 species of trees. Mongkey Forest area exist Dalem Agung Padangtegal Temple with Madia Mandala, which there is a sacred pool and place for cremation ceremony.
When entering Monkey Forest, visitor are still on way and don't go for a reason because it might provoke monkeys feels you're trying invade their homes. Treated monkeys with courtesy, don't feed them except guide accompanied you. Also remember monkey is curious animals, so keep you possession. If they are borrow your possession ask to guard for get your possession back.

 Parking area in Monkey Forest is not large but many art shop offering a variety of jewelry, baskets, wood carving, textile weaving, painting and jewelry from silver. Monkey Forest aslo have many restaurant, from western food to Balinese food.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Menjangan Island

Menjangan Island is one of a smaller islands are uninhabited and being part of Bali Island. Menjangan Island is located Sumber Kelampok Village, Gerogak District, Jimbaran Regency. Menjangan Island is part of Bali West National Park area. From Denpasar can be reached 4 hours with car,and 55 km from Lovina Beach. Menjangan Island is unique name, because Menjangan in English is mean "Deer" and Balinese maen "Kijang". According from local people name of Menjangan because live wild deer.

Menjagan Island is holy place for Hindus because exist 8 temple. One of them is Segara Giri Kencana, this temple have story of  holy priest, is named Dang Hyang Siddhimantra to Bali. From myth Dang Hyang Siddhimantra with stick to divided Java and Bali Island.This temple was built as respect and faith from Hindus people for him. Giri Dharma Kencana Temple consist of 3 word, there are Giri means earth/region, Dharma means truth and Kencana means lines, so Giri Dharman Kencana means line region of truth. 

Looking to other part of Menjangan Island that is expanse of blue sea surrounds island. With white sand has a beautiful underwater panorama is extraordinary. Coral reefs with marine life well because this area is part of Bali West National Park as well as this area to be one of best snorkeling areas in Bali. As one of best snorkeling areas, marine in Menjangan Island is divided into several point with drop off 60 meters and consist of a complex rock. These rock form a large and small caves becomes coral reef habitats. Many type of various fish even shark also live in flow of calm waters.

If you want cross to Menjangan Island primarily transport with boat. There are 2 port, first Labuan Lalang port in Teluk Terima Village and second is small dock in Teluk Banyuwedang. Time required to Menjanagan Island between 30 - 40 minute. Cost of Boat Rp. 50.000. Before cross to Menjangan Island, must be prepare mineral water, snack because in Menjangan Island don't find village, warung and restaurant. So, enjoy the adventure in Menjangan Island.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Goa Lawah Temple | Bali Places of Interest

Goa Lawah as one from six important temple in Bali. Five of them are Lempuyang Temple, Uluwatu Temple, Andakasa Temple, Batukaru Temple and Silayukti Temple. Goa Lawah is located Pesinggahan Village, Dawan District, Klungkung Regency. According from historical this temple was built in 11century by Mpu Kuturan. Goa Lawah means from 2 word, Goa is mean cave and Lawah mean bat, so Goa Lawah means Bat cave.

The view in this temple is unique, because cave under the trees. Front of cave in temple area also appears many adore places. Hindus ceremony in Goa Lawah temple held once every six months. In Balinese calendar is called Anggarakasih Medangsia.

This temple is located opposite of beach and into hills. Temple is also built on this beach, temple is called Segara temple. Segara temple is adore place from local people livelihood as fisherman for Dewa Baruna ( God of sea).

Entering Pesinggahan village to Goa Lawah, on the way are many stalls that fish menu. Such as grilled fish, spiced fish, satay, fish soup, plecing vegetable, sambal matah ( balinese codiment, made from chile, onion, lemongrass that will be chop) complete with rice and ice coconut. The large parking area font temple and at sea side. Tourist visited by domestic and foreign. Especially during holiday and feast day. Domestic and foreign tourist who visited charged enterance fee of Rp. 5.000. Before entering Goa Lawah must using  gloves and scarves. That is holy, beauty and nature from Goa Lawah Temple.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Kerta Gosa Bali Unique Historical Site To Visit

Kerta Gosa is tourism object are full of historical value. Kertagosa is located Banjarangkang Village, Klungkung Regency. Kertagosa near from Puri Agung Klungkung, Puri Agung Klungkung is the center of government kingdom in kingdom era. Kerta Gosa was built in 1622 Caka around 1700 AD. First, Kertagosa is a building  used as a meeting to discuss about prosperity and welfare of  Klungkung peolpe. Meaning name of " Kertagosa", Kerta means welfare and Gosa means discussion. After Dutch conquered Klungkung kingdom on 28 April 1908 Kerta Gosa converted into a place of justice. West side of Kerta Gosa building there is Kerta Gosa Bale Kembang that buildings constructed in middle of large pond called Taman Gili.

Kerta Gosa and Taman Gili building structure consist of 2nd floors. Roof is made of palm fiber. Roof is given in form of additional sculpture and reliefs. In addition to ceiling given additional ornament of traditional paintings with Kamasan style. In Taman Gili contains painting on ceiling with story of Pan Buyut and Palalintangan. On Kerta Gosa has contains painting on ceiling from Nyi Diah Tantri, Bima Swarga, Adi Parwa and Pelelindon story

Beside Kerta Gosa exist Semarajaya Museum. Semarjaya Museum of trditional equiment from prehistoric time until equipment for Puputan (war) Klungkung. Semarjaya Museum was inaugurated on 28 April 1992 by Minister of the interior. Museum can be seen the material used to ceremony and documentary of Klunglung kingdom. Parkir area of Kerta Gosa there are also shops and art market. Many vendors sell craft items such as women fabric, gold and silver jewelery, paintings puppets and wicker.Domestic and Foreign tourist who visit charged enterance fee of Rp. 15.000 that is include using gloves and scarves before entering Kerta Gosa area.

Tenganan Village

Tenganan Village is one of ancient in Bali. Pattern of human life reflect cultural of Bali aga village, Tenganan Village different from other village in Bali. Because of this, Tenganan village as of one cultural tourism object in Bali. Tenganan Village is located Manggis District, Karangasem Regency. Tenganan Village around 5km from Candidasa tourism area and 65km from Denpasar.
As cultural tourism object, Tenganan Village many unique and interesting peculiarities to be seen and understanding. From social system was developed, Tenganan society is composed of Tenganan native Village. Because the mating system adopted from paramental system which the women  and men in their family have same degree and legacy. Tenganan system is different  with system adopted by people in Bali. They are also embrace local system ( endogami) , where people bound in awig - awig (customary law) requires marriage do fellow Tenganan people. If system violated person can't allowed to be krama (resident) village, meaning is he get out from Tenganan Village.

Tenganan Village have unique tradition, there is Makare - Kare, in Indonesian is Perang Pandan. Mekare - Kare is part of ceremonies from Ngusamba Sambah. Makare - Kare always every June and which last for 30 days. 

After Mekare - Kare the participant  will be megibung. Megibung is eating tradition, all participant regardless of their social status.Megibung is not ceremony but custom from Tenganan Village and Karangasem. Makare - Kare and Megibung is unique culture in Tenganan Village. 

Expect Mekare - Kare, Tenganan Village have also weaving craft Gringsing. Gringsing is weaving as characteristic from Tenganan Village. Gringsing sacred meaning that is as repellent reinforcements, this can be seen from the Gringsing, Gring is mean "sick" and Sing is mean "no", so gringsing means to avoid pain. Gringsing motif that form a plus sign describes the philosophy of life for Tenganan people. There are only 3 colors are visible on gringsing, white/yellow represent oxygen (air), red symbolizes the heat (energy) and black symbolized water. Generally, people in Tenganan used Gringsing for special ceremony, such as Metatah (tooth filling), Wedding, and other religious ceremonies.

Tenganan curtural tourism village have a lagre pakring area, art shop, and generally facilities for tourist. To visit Tenganan don't have to pay because there implementing voluntary donation system for people in Tenganan village. That is Tenganan Village with the culture and nature.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Batu Bolong Beach

Batu Bolong Beach is popular beach like Seminyak Beach, Brawa Beach, Echo Beach and Prerenan Beach. Batu Bolong Beach is located Canggu Village, Krobokan District, Badung Regency. Location is strategic because 5km from Kuta Beach, 13km from Denpasar and 35 minute from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Batu Bolong has panoramic  view with the white sand beach. Batu Bolong Beach is popular for the beginner surfer because the wave is soft, long and thick so make it's easy to learn surf. 

Start from April - August is the best surfing time in Batu Bolong Beach. Batu Bolong Beach featured by fat wave and more than two surf spots. This place visited by foreign surfer and domestic surfer. The best season for surfer is dry season because the wind flows from the southeast to the west that creates the great powerful wave. And from Batu Bolong Beach the visitor can be seen the beautiful sunset in the evening. That is greatness for surfing, sunset and adventure. 

Batu Bolong Beach has many general public facilities like large parking area, warung / food and drink stall, restaurant , toilet and shower. Don't be afraid if finished surfing because what you need is already. The visitor can't need price for visit in Batu Bolong Because only need price for parking area and price is Rp. 3.000. Enjoy the trip and surf adventure in Batu Bolong Beach.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Beauty Of Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot is destination in the world. Tanah Lot is located Tabanan, 21km from Denpasar. Tanah Lot is unique because the temple sits on the large offshore rock which has been shaped continously over years by an ocean. Tanah Lot have a neat garden and most popular is sunset. Beautiful sunset usually in dry season because on another season sunset would be close by couldy. Every evening many tourist will take a picture when the sunset goes down.
Westside from Tanah Lot is Enjung Galuh and Batu Bolong Temple, there is surf spot. Surfing can good on dry season because the season create good wave. Without that many local people sale klepon, corn , kite, souvenir on roadside to Tanah Lot. Klepon Tanah Lot is every popular because taste is delicious.

Tanah Lot Hindus ceremony executed every six month, that is on Buda Wage, Wara Langkir four days after Kuningan Day. Ceremony lasted for three days. Thousand of Hindus people which come to pray in Tanah Lot temple and come from various are in Bali.For price

to visit in Tanah Lot have three category, fist for International tourist Rp. 30.000, second for Domestic tourist Rp. 10.000 and third for children ( 7 - 12 ) only Rp. 7.000. Enjoy your trip in Tanah Lot.